ContentOutputCache busting



Shouldn't the ContentOutputCache clear the output cache of the page each time the page is published? I am working on CMS verison 11.20.5 and upon publishing the page, I dont see the outputcache being purged for that page.

Below is a small tweak I made to disable/enable the output cache via CMS.

public class CustomContentOutputCacheAttribute : ContentOutputCacheAttribute
        public CustomContentOutputCacheAttribute()
            this.UseOutputCacheValidator = UseOutputCache;

        private static bool UseOutputCache(IPrincipal principal, HttpContextBase context, TimeSpan duration)
            var useCache = false;
            if (!principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated && duration != TimeSpan.Zero)
                if (string.Equals(context.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    useCache = true;
                    var url = context.Request.Url?.ToString();
                    var content = UrlResolver.Current.Route(new UrlBuilder(url));
                    if (content is HomesPageBase page)
                        useCache = page.EnableOutputCache;

            return useCache;

I then decorate the controller with this attribute, the caching is working fine. But the cache doesnt seem to be getting cleared when I publish the page. 

    public class StartPageController : PageControllerBase<StartPage>
        public ActionResult Index(StartPage currentPage)
            // load related content
            var model = PageViewModel.Create(currentPage);

            // Check if it is the StartPage or just a page of the StartPage type.
            if (SiteDefinition.Current.StartPage.CompareToIgnoreWorkID(currentPage.ContentLink))
                //Connect the view models logotype property to the start page's to make it editable
                var editHints = ViewData.GetEditHints<LayoutViewModel, StartPage>();

                // header elements
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.MainHeader.HeaderLogo, p => p.HeaderLogo);
                editHints.AddFullRefreshFor(x => x.HeaderLogo);

                // content elements
                editHints.AddFullRefreshFor(x => x.CommunityCards);

                // footer elements
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.FooterColumn1Title, p => p.FooterColumn1Title);
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.FooterColumn2Title, p => p.FooterColumn2Title);
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.FooterColumn3Title, p => p.FooterColumn3Title);
                editHints.AddFullRefreshFor(x => x.FooterColumn2Links);
                editHints.AddFullRefreshFor(x => x.FooterColumn3Links);
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.SocialLinkTitle, p => p.SocialLinksTitle);
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.SpecialOffersForm, p => p.SpecialOffersForm);
                editHints.AddFullRefreshFor(x => x.FooterBottomLinks);
                editHints.AddConnection(m => m.Footer.FooterCopyright, p => p.FooterCopyright);


            return View(model);



Edited, May 27, 2021 13:53

Can you confirm you are using the [ContentOutputCache] attribute on your controller? 

May 27, 2021 15:07
Siddharth Gupta - May 27, 2021 15:32
Hi David,

Thanks for looking into this, I am tweaking the ContentOutputCache just a bit. I have updated my post above with the code.

Have you tried removing all your custom code to check things still work as expected in your custom attribute? Also have you tried using the default [ContentOutputCache] attribute? Finally I assume you are testing this on your local machine so do not have any load balancing confuguration to think about.

May 27, 2021 19:50
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