Display options are setup as part of the custom code of your solution. The demo instance come with full, wide and narrow so these options you've got would have been custom.
This explains how to do it so you should search for IInitializableModule instance in your solution to find where these are configured.
Hi Scott, thank you for the reply!
I mean that i want another tab that is simular to the "DisplayOptions" but a new one. Is that achivable with IInitializableModule? I mean something like this:
Original code:
// Register Display Options
var options = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<DisplayOptions>();
.Add("full", "/displayoptions/full", Global.ContentAreaTags.FullWidth, "", "epi-icon__layout--full")
.Add("wide", "/displayoptions/wide", Global.ContentAreaTags.TwoThirdsWidth, "", "epi-icon__layout--two-thirds")
.Add("narrow", "/displayoptions/narrow", Global.ContentAreaTags.OneThirdWidth, "", "epi-icon__layout--one-third");
Instead i want this:
// Register Display Options
var options = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MyOwnCustomDisplayClass>();
.Add("first", "/rendered_from_xml/name", custom.areatag.firstitem, "", "class-added-first")
.Add("second", "/rendered_from_xml/name", custom.areatag.seconditem, "", "class-added-second")
.Add("third", "/rendered_from_xml/name", custom.areatag.thirditem, "", "class-added-third")
And then i want it to be added inside episerver when you click the hamburgermenu on blocks to be added on each contentareaitem.
Can I add another displayoptions for blocks? I need to sort the blocks in mobile-view.
Instead of this:
(Cannot add images).. For blocks in a contentarea you have dropdownlist(?) that have name like:
I'd like to add another "Display as" that adds my class to the block in edit-mode for sorting in a mobile view so the editors can choose the sortorder for the block in EPi.
I dont know if this even is possible and I might have to rethink this.