Navigation pane is empty and pages tree is now appearing in Assets pane


Hi guys,

I'm not sure why and when exactly the following problem occured, as we didn't seem to do any apdates related to CMS platform. We are using EPiServer CMS 11 and this is how Navigation page menu (left one) looks for us: 

As you can see the left navigation menu is compleately empty. Normally there is pages tree navigation in there. Assets pane menu (right one) however is looking like this for us now:

Pages tree is now shown as a tab in Assets pane.

Do you know what is the reason for that? We tried to use "Rearrange Gadgets" feature, but it doesn't allow to move gadgets from one pane to another. Could you help up to move the pages tree back to Navigation menu?

Sep 01, 2021 8:14

Go to my settings and try reset views

Sep 01, 2021 14:07

Thanks for you asnwer! I will try that.

Right now it looks like My Setting page is not working for us at all. I will fix that first and then try to reset the settings.

Sep 02, 2021 6:19
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