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Are you using the Deployment API, usually with integration you'd not need it but as you deploy to preproduction and production using slots you'd set the flag in the Deployment API for using the maintenance page. Or if in the Pass Portal check the box
> Also are you on .NET 5/6 or .NET Framework versions?
Net5 version.
> you'd set the flag in the Deployment API for using the maintenance page
thanks, I did forget about that option at deployment, I am going to try to use it.
To be honest, we are having problems with azure logs and for whatever reason support proposed to set up maintenance page. I don't see much connection between logs and maintenance page, but here I am.
As a result: we use deployment api and I had to specify deployment options to make maintenance page appear
$options= @{
// ... other parameters
// Actually does the trick
UseMaintenancePage = $true
// Should be false, because direct deploy does not swap slots in Azure
DirectDeploy = $true
$deploy = Start-EpiDeployment @options
I tried to setup maintenance page as it is described in documentation here:
But at deployment to Integratoin environment it still shows default IIS 403 page.
Are there any additional steps that must be done?