EPiServer Search Indexing Error - Update batch could not be sent to service uri


I'm getting an error in the EPiServer built in indexing as follows:

ERROR EPiServer.Search.Internal.RequestHandler: Update batch could not be sent to service uri 'http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IndexingService/IndexingService.svc/update/?accesskey=local'. Message: 'The operation has timed out   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at EPiServer.Search.Internal.RequestHandler.MakeHttpRequest(String url, IndexingServiceReference indexingServiceReference, String method, Stream postData, Action`1 responseHandler)
   at EPiServer.Search.Internal.RequestHandler.SendRequest(SyndicationFeed feed, String namedIndexingService, Collection`1 ids)'

Note that the service uri can be browsed and returns an "Endpoint not found" message which I believe is correct.

Has anyone seen this before and know how to resolve? 

Thanks in advance

Sep 25, 2024 12:32

Anything from the log of the search service?

Sep 25, 2024 14:08

Where would I find these logs? I checked the index location and couldn't see anything. There are logs being generated for the site using the EPIServer logging, this is where I saw the error message in my original post

Sep 25, 2024 15:58

I'm not an expert with Episerver Search (barely know them, never use them in any serious capacity), but you can check the path for http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IndexingService/IndexingService.svc . Probably have an EPiServerLog.config file 

Sep 26, 2024 8:04
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