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Order Shipping Address and Order Billing Address


I'm trying to have the user provide the billing and shipping address during the checkout process. I create two OrderAddress objects (orderAddress and billingAddress). After that I add the objects to the OrderAddresses collection:


Then I define that I want to use the billingAddress for my Billing Address:

CartHelper.Cart.OrderForms[0].BillingAddressId = billingAddress.Name;

I also make sure that my shippingAddress is used for my shipment:

shipment.ShippingAddressId = shippingAddress.Name;

and that my billingAddress is used with my payment:

paymentInfo.BillingAddressId = billingAddress.Name;

after that I create my order from the cart.

What I'm trying to achieve is that the billingAddress information will show up as the billing address in Commerce Manager and that the shippingAddress information turns up as the address for the shipment.
Problem is that whatever address I add to the OrderAddresses collection first, is the one that will show up in both places. I want different information in shipping and billing and I want it to be tied to the order, not the user.

Jun 18, 2012 17:07

Hi Sven, could you share the code you're using to try to access the information you want to display? Maybe that will give us a better idea about what might be going wrong.

Edited, Oct 16, 2012 3:20
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