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Sort folders in left menu alphabetically?



Am used to working with Epi CMS but rather new to Commerce. Is there any way to change sortorder in folders in menu tree for the cataloge manager? Instead of setting sortorder on each number, our customer wants all folders sorted alpabetically. Looked "everywhere" for settings like this but must be looking in the wrong place.

Thanks for your input :-)
/ Markus

Sep 20, 2012 8:55

Yeah, you can't order alphabetical. But you can set the default order in the xml files:

For example for the Order folder you need to edit that subsystem's LeftMenu.xml


Edited, Sep 20, 2012 9:32

Yeah, you can't order alphabetical. But you can set the default order in the xml files:

For example for the Order folder you need to edit that subsystem's LeftMenu.xml


Sep 20, 2012 9:35

Thanks for you input, Toni!

So I can change the order of the commerce left menues, but not set sorting on folders in product cataloge? 
Our customer adds around 100 new products a day, and changes sub categories from time to time. To have to edit each new item to set order in comparison to other products is rather boring work.

Wonder if this will be added to future versions?

Perhaps running a db-script that does this will do the trick? (but I would rather not go down this path...)


Sep 20, 2012 16:30

Are you asking to set sorting on catalog nodes or entries (SKUs)? These are presented as a sortable list, so you can sort on the different columns, like name if you want to have them sorted alphabetical. 

Sep 20, 2012 16:39

Sorted catalog nodes is our first priority. Am not sure - are there any dialoges where a user can pick a SKU? In that case a default sorting alphabetically in all dialoges would be nice.

Thanks for your input, Toni :-)

Sep 24, 2012 9:00

You need to create a new  code behind for Shared\Apps\Catalog\Tree\TreeSource.  You can change the file to inherit from your new class.  There is a private method in the old code behind BindCategories that you can sort the dto by Name.  You will need to make sure the new dll of class is in the bin directory of your commerce manager site.

Oct 09, 2012 3:13

Excellent, thanks!

Oct 09, 2012 11:45
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