EPiServer Commerce deployment


Does anybody know whether there it is possible to insall Commerce part besides "intall action" in the Deployment center?

Something like standalone installation when don't have to apply Commerce part on top of the existing site (cms based).

In general I want to have eCommerceFramework and eCommerceManager site preinstalled and only after that deploy my epi server solution (web site) and update corresponding configs to link them to each other?





Nov 22, 2013 11:45

I am not sure what you are trying to achive, But you can setup Commerce Manager Site separatly without setting up your front site.



Nov 22, 2013 12:21

Is there installer somewhere?

Nov 22, 2013 12:31

We are going to develop custom solution based on CMS + Commerce.

And currently  I working on seting up developer environment and procedure on how we will release our "builds" and deploy them on target server.

I'm thinking about incremental devilery of only our custom stuff (page/blocks types, view, data import, etc) and having all basic things like CMS and Commerce preinstalled on the target server.

Probably you could point me to the best practices on such deployment procedure?

Nov 22, 2013 12:43


Are you taking about database diffs, codes, fileblob storage etc or is it just code? If it´s just code take a look on Microsoft Team foundation server (TFS) or finalbuilder.com


Nov 23, 2013 20:26

Thank you for responses.


My main question now is how to setup Commerce Manager site separately without setting up my front side first?

(I understand that I can create my own installer for this, copy files as is, prepare database, etc, but I'm looking for out of the box solution)


Thank you in advance.

Edited, Nov 25, 2013 11:32


I think you can Install a sample Commerce site like Ennoteca that comes with Installer and CommerceManager will also install with that application. You can use that Commerce Mananger installation for your purpose by change config files.




Nov 25, 2013 15:31
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