I got the same issue here, I create console app to run the customer import, the customer contact is created through memberhsip user, it suffer a error like this said that:The membership user key is of type Guid and there is no implementation of IConvertUserKey that supports this type.
I figure out this issue, the reason is because the structure map is not configured properly, structure is kind of ioc container, it should be initialized(create mapping to corresponding class instances), the error simply states that the class is not mapped correctly, for my case I just want to call the customer manager in console app, I just copy the initianlization from commerce global.ascx
var container = new StructureMap.Container();
var locator = new EPiServer.ServiceLocation.StructureMapServiceLocator(container);
var context = new EPiServer.ServiceLocation.ServiceConfigurationContext(HostType.WebApplication, container);
new Mediachase.Commerce.Initialization.CommerceInitialization().ConfigureContainer(context);
then it works without the error. try to config it before use the StructureMap.
Hi everyone
I would like to ask, if anybody had a similar issue that I have in EPI7 Commerce R3. I worked on some project for a one moth and one day my commerce application started throwing some strange exception. This application is versioned, so I tried reverting, restoring older database, but still got same exception. Same application in the same configuration works fine on other machines, this exception occurs only on my machine. Any idea what can be wrong here?
StructureMap Exception Code: 200
Could not find an Instance named "Guid" for PluginType Mediachase.Commerce.Customers.IConvertUserKey
Exception is throwed when I'm trying to run commerce manager. Login screen is not showing.
There is one more thing, few days ago our IT administrators were doing some policy changes in active directory, installing some new antiviruses, firewalls etc.. but as I said before, if works on 2 developer's machines + 1 virtual machine (QA server).
Thanks for any help, advice...