Hi Glenn,
After creating the user in CMS Admin, log out and then log back in as that user. That user will then appear in the list of contacts in Customer Management.
Created a new user in CMS Admin in the WebAdmins role. A corresponding contact was not created in Commerce and we are seeing no errors reported.
Does the new user you created in CMS Admin appear in the aspnet_Membership table in the Commerce db?
Hmm, not sure why it doesn't pick up the user in Commerce Manager. I know this isn't a solution, but did you try doing an AppPool reset against your Commerce Manager site?
Hmm, that's strange. Could you try setting up a lcoal vanilla setup of CMS/Commerce with enoteca and see if you can reproduce the behavior in that environment? And feel free to submit a case directly to support as well.
Hi, having the exactly same issue and have had the same issue in previous EPiServer Commerce versions (currently using R3).
Only solution seems to be to create the Contact to Commerce and then Create an account for the contact and then we can assign both CMS and Commerce rights correctly and just have one account.
What about if we want to use Active Directory, it seems to be a no go even though documentation says differently : http://webhelp.episerver.com/commerce/1.2/#User Guide/IN_UserAccessRoles.htm
There really should be an option in the Commerce Manager where we could associate a contact with an account (browse for the account).
Richly: What should trigger the Contact creation when a user is created or is it when the account is logged in there is a check for Contact creation ?
CustomerContact is an extended object Like Profiles in CMS for a User and defined in Mediachase.Commerce.Customers. Create User doesnot create a Customer Contact. But If you use Commerce Manger to Create User It will do both things for you. Or you have to Create account using Mediachase Libraries after that you can assign that rights to them.
According to the manual for commerce, "When a user is created in CMS, the user will appear as a contact with an account in Commerce Manager". However, our commerce site does not create any contacts in Commerce when we add a user through Admin mode.
Does anyone know where the logic for this occurs and if any special permissions need to be setup to get this to work?