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EpiServer Find & SearchManager


I've just looked at EpiServer Find documentation and I'm really impressed by the facilities it provides to build search queirs and working with facets.

That is really cool:)


But now I have a question: How to integrate epi find with commerce manager?


I've looked into FindSearchProvider that is available for integration with Commerce, but all cool things about faceting are being hidden due to ISearchCriteria interace. So for example,

  I can't get min/max value of prices using "query.RangeFacetFor(x => x.Price, new NumericRange())" 

  I can't get distinct values in field I want (ISearchCriteria facets require to specify exact value list)


So I'm looking for an options to be able to use full power of Find api in context of commerce manager.

And following comes in my mind:

 - use deafult FindSearchProvider indexer to build catalog index/use client.Search<FindDocument> to query the index

   here I can met situation when FindDocument structure doesn't fulfill my queries.

 - implement custom indexer/use client.Search<MyCustomDocumentForCatalogEntry>

   here I don't know where to start. What can be overriden/where can I hook in to be able to use custom "MyCustomDocumentForCatalogEntry" and save index building infrastructure (I mean save commerce manager logic for auto-building index when changes are made, administration UI: Build/Rebuild/Invalide/Recover etc.)


Does anyone has suggestion/comments on this (I'm most interesting in second option with MyCustomDocumentForCatalogEntry)?






Jan 29, 2014 21:21
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