Create decimal metafield in code and add to metaclass - scale not set


Hi Guys,

I'm trying to create a metafield in code and add this to a metaclass, I've come up with the following code, which works, however the scale for the decimal isn't set, this is always zero.

Any ideas, am I doing this correectly?

Thanks, Mark

var metaClassContext = MetaClass.Load(OrderContext.MetaDataContext, metaClassName);

if (metaClassContext.MetaFields[metaFieldName] != null)

var metaField = MetaField.Load(MetaDataContext.Instance, metaFieldName);

if (metaField == null)
    metaField = MetaField.Create(MetaDataContext.Instance, metaClassNamespace, metaFieldName, metaFieldFriendlyName,
        metaFieldDescription, metatDataType, metaDataLength, allowNulls, false, false, false);

    if (metatDataType == MetaDataType.Decimal)
        metaField.Attributes[MetaFieldAttributeConstants.MdpPrecisionAttributeName] = decimalPrecision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        metaField.Attributes[MetaFieldAttributeConstants.MdpScaleAttributeName] = decimalScale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Oct 30, 2014 5:50

Bugger... I've just worked this out...

Code is fine, the issue was because the MetaField already existed, i.e. this field was initially created without scale, I removed the field from the MetaClass and ran this again but didn't see it being updated, once I removed the MetaField form the MetaField table and ran the code again, everythign worked as expected.  So user error...  Anway I guess this code could be enhanced to check for the MetaField already existing and update that.

So hope this helps someone else...

Oct 30, 2014 6:04
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