Customer Billing Address in SQL Query


This question is related to "EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP1".

I want to list customers and their billingAddress (in our system you can only have one billing address). We dont use the preferedBillingAddress property.

In the API you there is a AddressType of type enum CustomerAddressTypeEnum on each address object (of type CustomerAddress). But in the cls_Address table in the database the AddressType column is of type uniqueidentifier (and therefore unique). I really cannot discover the relationship between the guid and enum (enum has 3 values), and i cannot find any other column that could hold the information.

I just want to:

FROM cls_Address
WHERE AddressType = enumVALUE(billing = 4)

Feb 03, 2014 14:02

In the cls_address table, the AddressType field is a key to the enum lookup table.
The following query will return all billing adresses;

SELECT a.AddressId
FROM cls_Address a
INNER JOIN mcmd_SelectedEnumValue e ON a.AddressType = e.[Key]
INNER JOIN mcmd_MetaEnum m ON m.TypeName = e.TypeName AND m.Id = e.Id
WHERE m.FriendlyName = 'Billing'

Feb 07, 2014 23:37
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