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Join us this Friday for AI in Action at the Virtual Happy Hour! This free virtual event is open to all—enroll now on Academy and don’t miss out.
Hi Rene,
That view is defined by Orders-List view.
Look in the LeftMenu.xml file in Apps/Order/Config/View/Navigation. In that file you will see how the Purchase order list is defined:
<Command id="cmdOrderPurchaseOrdersToday">
<ClientScript>CSManagementClient.ChangeView('Order', 'Orders-List', 'filter=today&class=PurchaseOrder')</ClientScript>
<EnableHandler type="Mediachase.Commerce.Manager.CommandHandlers.PermissionEnableHandler, Mediachase.ConsoleManager" />
ChangeView's second command - Orders-List - is a xml file that defines the view. You can find Orders-List.xml in Apps/Order/Config/View/Grids.
But beware that you cannot just add what ever columns you want, there's a control that you need might need to modify (create your own) that controls what data is available.
In this case, look in the bottom of the Orders-List.xml file and you will find that a Order/OrderList.ascx user control is referenced. This control decides what data is available to the view to use.
You can then use reflector to reference this control when you make your own.
So in short, modifying that view requires you to code a custom control for it and can't be modified within the Commerce Manager.
I have several Mata Fields defined and attached them to the Purchase Order and I would like to show these in the Order List grid in the Commerce Manager. I see I can add the default Purchase Order fields as columns in the file "Orders-list.xml", but I have no clue as too how to show the Meta fields here.
Anybody know how to do this?