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Add Notes dynamically



How do you add notes dynamically to a Cart?

I have used the following code yet the Notes are never added


OrderNote on = new OrderNote(); on.Detail = AnswerRef; on.OrderNoteId = Convert.ToInt32(QuestionRef); on.Title = AnswerRef; on.Type = "Custom"; on.Created = DateTime.Now; ch.Cart.OrderNotes.Add(on);

ch being a new CartHelper - the code comes afer an entry is added to the cart (ch)


ch.AddEntry(variant, 1, false, warehouseCode, new CartHelper[] { wishList });




Mar 27, 2014 14:49


I looks like you need to call

ch.Cart.AcceptChanges() after that code to make sure it got saved to database. Otherwise it'll be lost when GC kicks in.



Mar 27, 2014 15:24

Yes, I do this too and nothing happens - the AddNew() method works but not Add(on).

Mar 27, 2014 16:54

AddNew() works but then you can't update the new OrderNote

Mar 27, 2014 16:55

AddNew() leaves blank entries into the Notes section and does not save the updates - ch.Cart.AcceptChanges() doesnt update the Notes  - any ideas?

Mar 27, 2014 17:08

Have you tried AddNew first and finally AcceptChanges:

OrderNote on = ch.Cart.OrderNotes.AddNew();
on.Detail = AnswerRef;
on.OrderNoteId = Convert.ToInt32(QuestionRef);
on.Title = AnswerRef;
on.Type = "Custom";
on.Created = DateTime.Now;

Mar 27, 2014 20:30

This is great but it still doesnt save the OrderNote. Is there any other way that this can be done?

Mar 28, 2014 9:06

Just to be clear, do you want to update an existing OrderNote or create a new one?

I ask because you are trying to set OrderNoteId:

on.OrderNoteId = Convert.ToInt32(QuestionRef);

If you want to update an existing note I think you need to find it by iterating ch.Cart.OrderNotes and change the wanted note and AcceptChanges. If you want to create a new note then don't set the OrderNoteId.


Mar 28, 2014 9:43
Arrr! I see - yes I want to create a new Note. This sounds good - I'll give it a go :) Thanks
Mar 28, 2014 9:45

Yes - just tested it and it works - amazing - many thanks :)

Mar 28, 2014 10:04
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