November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
var note = new EntityObject("ContactNote"); note["ContactId"] = new PrimaryKeyId(new Guid("{id-of-your-customer-contact}")); note["NoteTitle"] = "..."; note["NoteContent"] = "..."; var pk = BusinessManager.Create(note);
Other properties you may be interested in:
- CreatorId
- ModifierId
- NoteType
Yes by code. I need to add a note to the customer object much like a note can be added to the order object. So that the note will be viewable in the commers manger when you are looking at contat->notes.
As you want to see this field in Commerce Manager, therfore you can create a metafield (Notes) for Contact Object, Update that field in your code, pseudo code will be something like
customContact["NewMetafIeld"] = "customer notes"
We are using Episerver commers 8.16.1 and I am looking for a way to add notes to the customer dynamicly. Any Help would be appreciated.