We are having trouble with a commerce site we are building. During testing anonymous users are getting each others cart. We've had instances of people adding stuff to their cart closing the browser and another user on a different computer/browser navigating to the site and already having items in their cart that the previous person added.
We are having trouble with a commerce site we are building. During testing anonymous users are getting each others cart. We've had instances of people adding stuff to their cart closing the browser and another user on a different computer/browser navigating to the site and already having items in their cart that the previous person added.
Our Web.config has the following entries:
<>>authentication mode="Forms">
<>>forms name=".EPiServerLogin" loginUrl="my-account/Login" timeout="4320" defaultUrl="~/" />
<>>anonymousIdentification enabled="true" />
Any ideas as to why anonymous users are seeing the same cart occasionally?