Issue with Variant Cart/MinQuantity feature



I create the catalog item via CatalogUI but I can't get the item to be added to cart unless I go to Commerce Manager and manually update the MinQuantity from the default value of 0 to something else (and even set it back to 0 after that is okay). 

Set the MinQuantity via CatalogUI doesn't fix the problem, I need to go to CommerceManager and update the MinQuantity there.

Is this some kind of bug or should I be aware of anything that I missed? 

I'm using nuget EPiServerCommerce 8.16.1 and EPiServer 8.10.1. 



Sep 29, 2015 7:11

Are you managing Inventory through episerver? 

Sep 29, 2015 17:46

We didn't have any complicated inventory managing / integration. This is just a very simple website that we do as a prototype so inventory is indeed be managed by EPiServer. All the variants I created can't be added to cart until I go to Commerce Manager interface page for that variant and save it once. Changing the inventory amount in CMS/Commerce site couldn't help. 

Do you have any idea what is the problem? I see a similar issue here:


Oct 01, 2015 4:53
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