If I understand correctly - then you don't have to. Just have a property in CartPrepare workflow ("SkipCalculateTaxex" or something), and if it is true then it'll skip running CalculateTaxes activity.
Now when you run CartPrepare, you can check if the current user is B2B then run CartPrepare with that property set to true. For B2C customers it's default to false, to taxes will be applied.
Yes, it'll require some modification in workflows, but I would expect it to be relatively small change.
We sell products from Sweden to other EU countries like Denmark. When we sell from B2B it is easy, there should be no taxes included and if no taxes are configured the amount will be correct. But accoring to Skatteverket (Swedish IRS) this is not correct when you sell B2C. Then the customer do not have a VAT nr so the VAT should be included which it will not.
So can you, without rewriting the tax calculation workflow, separate B2B taxes and B2C taxes?