Search for unpublished products



It looks like search in the new catalog gui and in Commerce Manager only searches for published products and variations.
Is there any way by default to get a list of all unpublished products?



Apr 19, 2016 10:55


The SearchProvider which is used by Catalog UI and Commerce Manager, does not know about versions, it only knows about the published versions (and if the entries are not published, then the common drafts), so no, it's currently not supported.



Apr 20, 2016 10:10

Hmm, that is not quite what you should expect. I mean if I search product and variations in the catalog tree I of course want to search all my products and variations. I think this is a major issue. We have scheduled tasks importing new products and now we can't locate them.
What is even more strange is that the search doesn't find published variants under unpublished products, is that an index problem or by default?

Overall I think this should be reported as a bug and fixed in coming versions.

Thanks again, I really appriceate your time.


Edited, Apr 20, 2016 14:04

+1 for Kristoffer, It should be dealt as bug  


Apr 20, 2016 14:47

I'm not saying it should or should not be fixed - but this is pretty much a big breaking change in the SearchProvider system and we would rather not do it at least until a breaking change release.

However, if you see a product in Commerce Manager, but you can't search for it, then it's clearly a bug and a fix should be quite small to do.



Apr 20, 2016 15:02

How could fixing a bug in the SearchProvider be regarded as a breaking change? It should be regarded as a patch. Also, have you, Quan Mai, reported this a sa bug? And if so where can I follow it?

Regard Niklas

Aug 09, 2017 15:55

The SearchProvider system is not version-aware, so making it understand and care about versions would be a big change, and likely with breaking changes. Also, that would be a feature request, not a bug fix. My second thought is that would be an nice thing to have - I will file a story for that and we can discuss within the team later.

The second issue, "if you see a product in Commerce Manager, but you can't search for it", was not reported to us and was not also reported by QAs, so it was likely a non issue (probably wrong configuration etc.)

Aug 09, 2017 16:19

Allright, I understand that a fix could cause a breaking change, but it isn´t something to strive for of course...

Actually the issue our team is experiencing is that unpublished pages aren't returned by the editor search. Our team, including the client editors, is strongly by the opinion that this is a bug. Our motivation is that a editor should be able to find his/hers previous work using the search, regardless of publish state. It is very likely that an editor has work in progress which is to be continued and is not yet published. Right now you can imagine that it is quite hard to find an unpublished page...

Sure, you can call this "by design". What is a bug or "by design" is subjective. From within your organisation this might seem as "by design", but from outside it is perceived as a bug. But if you consider it "by design" we are very curious of the motivation of this design decission. Why would an editor not want to retrieve search results with non published content?

I will report this as bug in

Aug 09, 2017 16:55

Was a bug ever created for this? Anyone know what bug number it is?  Has any progress been made on this? My current client would also like to be able to search for unpublished products within the Commerce Catalog GUI.  We are currently on 12.5.0


Nov 28, 2018 6:57
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