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Which type of promotion you are using? the new system or the old one? Did you configure the priority of the promotions?
If you configure the first one to be higher priority, then the second one will not be applied in your case. However, if you do not set the priority, then the result can be nondeterministic.
We are using the old promotions system. Yes, we configured promotions priorities.
You said that with right settings the second promotion will not be applied but I reproduced absoletely the same case in 2 different systems based on episerver commerce.
That's pretty strange - we have certain bug fixes to ensure the priority of promotions. If you can reproduce the problem consistently, contact our developer support to file a bug - we will look into the problem.
I saw the bug report. We will take it from here. :)
However I would like to say, with 9.19.1 the new promotion system came out of BETA, and I wholeheartly believe it's worth the effort and cost to move to new promotion system. My opinion: take that into consideration and make the move as soon as possible. You'll love it.
Hi all.
I know that the bug fix is expected to be released in Commerce 9.22.1 so a big thanks for that.
But at the moment I have another issue:
I'm trying to apply entry level promotion with the following conditions:
1) TargetLineItem.CatalogEntryId Equals (Text) BC00379332
2) TargetLineItem.CatalogEntryId Equals (Text) BC00374938
Reward can be any and it doesn't work. I saw examples with very similar conditions but I can't understand why it doesn't work in my case.
And one weird detailt that If I remove any condition and leave only one a promotion will apply.
Could you please check it?
P. S. Episever Commerce 9.22.0
Update. Episerver support helped resolve the issue. Thanks!
Hi Anton,
Have you really re-check first issue with Commerce 9.22.1 yet? It had been released, so I hope the issue should be resolved now.
About the second one, you mean OR operation did not work? If just keep only one condition the promotion can be applied as usual?
Hi Ba Luu.
In our solution we use the Commerce.Workflow as a particular project, so we cant test it once Episerver uploads it to "Download Episerver Commerce 9 tools and code samples" section. Can we ask someone to do it? Thanks.
Second issue with OR condition was resolved.
I have 2 promotions:
1) Entry level which gives 50% off on specified variant (placed price 13$);
2) Order level which gives 1$ off if cart subtotal greater than 10$;
Before applying promotions my cart total is 18$ (subtotal 13$ + handlingtotal 5$).
When I apply entry level promotion I got updated subtotal 6.5$ and total 11.5$. Then I apply the second promotion and I expect that it will not be applied (because condition >10$), but as I see the second promotion is still applied.
I changed the condition to "running total greater than 10$" and now its working as expected but can someone explain whats wrong with conditions built with subtotal/total? And in which cases what conditions better to use? For example, how to change the second promotion to check cart's total (including handling totals and etc)?
P.S. Episerver Commerce 9.19.1