Did you start the front-end site (CMS site) and let the migration steps finished?
Do you use the default membership provider, or did you change it to Owin or something like that?
The front-end and back-end website both use the CMSMembershipProvider and CMSRoleProvider.
It seems that you start Commerce Manager site before the front-end site - the document is not correct in that order and that will be updated. Does IISRESET help?
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately an IISRESET does not help.
IMO this is a bug, could you try to browse logout page: http://commercemanagerref/Apps/Shell/Pages/Logout.aspx
Or edit Global.asax in Commerce Manager:
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated || Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("logout", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 || Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("login", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ) { return; }
add this to Application_AuthorizeRequest method.
Hi all,
I've found the solution. When creating the empty webproject for the Commerce Manager site, it is very important to select Empty project instead of MVC or anything else. Otherwise routes will get messed up. The templates have changed for ASP.NET Applications in Visual Studio 2015. It's something you might overlook. I hope this helps others!
Hi all,
I've just completed these steps to the letter with the 10.2.0 version of CMS and the 10.2.1 version of Commerce.
I can get everything to work, except that I cannot open Commerce Manager due to the redirection loop below. Any advice on where I should look?
P.S. Clearing the cookies does not help.