If you didn't delete the old user tables, then you can use the old membership provider to try a login, if that is a success, then you can update the password on with the identity provider.
The way I did this task was it is:
Something like
[HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> InternalLogin(LoginViewModel viewModel) { var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(viewModel.Email, viewModel.Password, viewModel.RememberMe, shouldLockout: true); switch (result) { case SignInStatus.Success: break case SignInStatus.LockedOut: return PartialView("~/Views/Features/Login/_lockout.cshtml", viewModel) case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification: return RedirectToAction("SendCode", "Login", new { ReturnUrl = viewModel.ReturnUrl, RememberMe = viewModel.RememberMe }) default: return await UpdatePasswordFromOldSystem(viewModel); return Json(new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl }); }
public async Task<ActionResult> UpdatePasswordFromOldSystem(LoginViewModel viewModel) { // the password was correct, but it wasn't in new system, update it if (Membership.ValidateUser(viewModel.Email, viewModel.Password)) { UserManager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator() // turn off validating requirements { RequiredLength = 0, RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false, RequireDigit = false, RequireLowercase = false, RequireUppercase = false }; SiteUser user = await UserManager.FindByNameAsync(viewModel.Email); // get the user string code = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id); // get reset token IdentityResult reset = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, code, viewModel.Password); // reset the password with the password the user used and token we got if (reset.Succeeded) // if it succeeded, then try login again { return await InternalLogin(viewModel); } } // wrong username/password, show error ModelState.AddModelError("Password", _localizationService.GetString(() => Translations.Login.WrongPasswordOrEmail)); viewModel.Password = null; return PartialView("~/Views/Features/Login/_login.cshtml", viewModel); }
Remember to change password on the old provider too when a user change password :) (I know this is a litle hacky way, but it works for me at least :))
Oh, and this is the migration script i ran (after deployment so the tables get made)
INSERT INTO AspNetUsers( Id, Email, EmailConfirmed, PasswordHash, SecurityStamp, PhoneNumberConfirmed, TwoFactorEnabled, LockoutEnabled, AccessFailedCount, UserName, NewsLetter, IsApproved, IsLockedOut, Comment, CreationDate, LastLoginDate ) SELECT aspnet_Users.UserId, aspnet_Membership.Email, 1, ('AFPMQQQEExOuGGdX/PYqosGS4johxSt7NycCbbxRG/VtYAywHKYeNR5genTrTdOB7g=='), '0b039082-4d6d-4fab-b36b-01492e58e9c4', 0, 0, 0, 0, aspnet_Users.UserName, 0, 1, 0, aspnet_Membership.Comment, ISNULL(aspnet_Membership.CreateDate, GETDATE()), aspnet_Membership.LastLoginDate FROM aspnet_Users LEFT OUTER JOIN aspnet_Membership ON aspnet_Membership.ApplicationId = aspnet_Users.ApplicationId AND aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId; INSERT INTO AspNetRoles(Id,Name) SELECT RoleId,RoleName FROM aspnet_Roles; INSERT INTO AspNetUserRoles(UserId,RoleId) SELECT UserId,RoleId FROM aspnet_UsersInRoles;
try this version for SQL Password hasher https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46074408/migration-of-asp-net-membership-to-mvc-net-identity-password-issue
Thanks for the suggestions guys, they're all good but after finally getting a lot of sleep this weekend I resolved this issue, I had made a stupid mistake in my LoginController in which I was calling the ApplicationUserManager instead of my CustomUserManager, therefore the users were never getting to my passwordhasher.
I'm migrating our newly updated CMS10/Commerce website from using the old .net Membership references to Episerver's aspnetidentity.
I followed the directions on this page, and all seemed to work well:
Next, I successfully ran a script that imported all our users from the old membership tables to the new aspnet identity tables.
Whenever I try to log on using an old login I get the following error:
After some searching, I tried implementing the following fix: http://sveinaandahl.blogspot.se/2016/03/how-to-validate-old-passwords-when.html
I added a UserManager Class:
And then I modified my StartUp.cs:
But it appears to have no effect, I still receive the same error every time. Has anyone dealt with this or fixed this that can help?