Lucene search


I am having problems with the search index in our site.
It is an old implementation of the lucene index.
For searching I am using Mediachase.Search.Providers.Lucene.LuceneSearchProvider
When indexing we are using our own implementation of OnCatalogEntryIndex from Mediachase.Search.Extensions.Indexers.CatalogIndexBuilder
Indexable properties are added manually to the document with new SearchField("display_name", product.DisplayName).
The documents are in German and stemming seems to not be working correctly.
Words like "blau" does not give hit on written together words like "dunkelblau".
I am using fuzzy search and have tried the FuzzyMinSimilarity from 0.1-0.9 without getting results of the desired word.

Mar 27, 2017 16:57
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