Catalog UI and Multiple Value properties - and CSV import


I'm setting up an EPiServer Commerce (version 10.5) and have some issues with how to handle Multiple Valued properties / attributes.

Using the Catalog UI it seems I can handle multiple valued attributes/properties on a Product Meta class using the SelectMany annotation like for example:

[SelectMany(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(ColorSelectionFactory))]
public virtual string Color { get; set; }

Where my ColorSelectionFactory is an ISelectionFactory. And then the data would be stored as a comma seperated value in my string.

Is that an acceptable/prefered approach to use to support multiple valued, and would that function with the CSV import?

How would one go about using editor maintained translations of the values in my ISelectionFactory? Would that be via the XML Translate files or is there a way to combine the selection with an editor maintined dictionary?

Thank you in advance.

Apr 20, 2017 12:32
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