In the 'old' promotion system I had a culture specific Display Name, we use this field to show the user on the ShoppingCart page which promotions were applied to his cart. So in English you would see '10% Christmas discount' while the Dutch would see '10% Kerstmis Korting'.
In the new system I am unable to get a culture specific name for created promotions. Is there a way to do this or is this limitation now by design? I have tried to add the 'CultureSpecific' attribute to a property on my custom Promotion, but this doesn't have any effect.
In the 'old' promotion system I had a culture specific Display Name, we use this field to show the user on the ShoppingCart page which promotions were applied to his cart. So in English you would see '10% Christmas discount' while the Dutch would see '10% Kerstmis Korting'.
In the new system I am unable to get a culture specific name for created promotions. Is there a way to do this or is this limitation now by design? I have tried to add the 'CultureSpecific' attribute to a property on my custom Promotion, but this doesn't have any effect.