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Web services [SOAP]. Unable to process Unauthorized.



we are using:

MVC [mvc-routing +episerver-routing]

EpiServer 10.X

Episerver Commerce 10.X

BVNetwork module 10.X


I have to create web service based on SOAP with authentication inside of our application:

in case of .asmx service - soap header authentication

in case of wcf - userNameAuthentication via custom UserNameValidator.

We implemented both,

in case of .asmx service - we throw UnauthorizedExecption

in case of wcf - we throw FaultException

The thing is that when we throw exception in case of incorrect authentication,

Application (I think EpiServer-routing+custom error mode) processing it and immediately redirects me to 500 with my 500 html.

And as a consumer of that web-services I get 500 html as a response in case of incorrect credentials.

Do you know the way how to change this behaviour to do not allow Application handle that exceptions?

Thank you in advance,


Edited, Apr 26, 2017 11:22
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