Episerver Vs Commerce references, problematic when sync and republishing channels from PIM systems



Have some struggle with references not working anymore ahen we republish a channel from pim and recreate all products in Commerce.

I think, correct me if im wrong, when we link products from commerce in episerver it linkes then on content reference. 

Some problem that we have discovered is when we are using PIM system as master and would like to wipe out everything from commerce and recreate all again. 

The new recreated products get different reference ids and that breaks the connection between cmd and commerce.... 

Is there any thogts on this, how to resolve this. 

i would like to have the power to choose what it linkes on. I guess we could create custom property and tell it to go on Code on some other propertie, but by my opinion EPiServer shoudl think about this issue and provide solution that hold and save us time :).

Thanks for any input


Jun 13, 2017 10:53


No, the links to contents in Episerver are saved by ContentGuid (if you know "permanent link", there it is!). So make sure your catalog contents all have permanent content guids, and you should be good to go.

Jun 13, 2017 11:45
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