Error when indexing products/variant to Find with scheduled task



I get the following error when running EPiServer Find Content Indexsing Job:

The job is running. - Indexing job [Site] [content]: RD00155D620008: An exception occurred while indexing content 13900__CatalogContent: Exception in ecf_mktg_PromotionByDate: (see log for more information)

Does anyone know where this come from?


Jun 26, 2017 13:39

Can you post the log here?

I suppose you have customization to include the discounted price in the Find index, and because you are using the old promotion system - it try to run get SP to get the available promotions to apply. Is that the case?

We can probably tell more when we see the log.

Jun 26, 2017 17:25


Looks like this problem is gone now. Don't know why, but it looks ok for now. Lets just leave it!

Thanks Quan!


Jun 27, 2017 12:14

Regarding indexing,

Quan, any ideas on this one?


Jun 27, 2017 20:25

Unfortunately, No, I saw your support case but it works fine in our sample site. So it must be something specific for your site. When we have an environment which can reproduce the issue we can tell more.

Jun 30, 2017 8:07


That is strange. So the same code with the same database runs fine in when you try it?
Well, hopefully you will find something soon.


Jun 30, 2017 11:41

No, I meant the indexing works well on our sample site (template + databases). I'm looking into your site. Let's hope I'm in lucky today

Jun 30, 2017 11:53

I hope so too! :-)

Jun 30, 2017 11:56

I tried with clean the index and re-index again and the other languages started to appear. I was cut off from VM (technical issues) before the indexing completes. If you didn't try that (clean the index), can you try it now? 

Jun 30, 2017 15:03

I have tried that several time. I start to think that it is related to my post about this:

If the site crashes from time to time the indexing does to and maybe that is my it appears to only add Swedish products.

Jun 30, 2017 15:06

Yes, that makes senses because the master language (in your case, "sv") is always indexed first. If the indexing is stopped before it reaches other languages then that might happen.

The fact that editing a catalog content results in correct indexes across all languages is a proof that your index is OK and working well.

Perhaps you can try to run your indexing from a non-Azure server to see if it works?

Jun 30, 2017 15:24

@Quan, we are in production environment now and still the service stops after the Swedish content is indexed. It must be a crash of some kind because the job is in "running mode" forever and there is no errors in the task log. I will open the ticket again and maybe you can try and run the job from an Azure environment?


Jul 05, 2017 11:26

@Quan, we are in production environment now and still the service stops after the Swedish content is indexed. It must be a crash of some kind because the job is in "running mode" forever and there is no errors in the task log. I will open the ticket again and maybe you can try and run the job from an Azure environment?



Jul 05, 2017 11:30

One possible theory is that the memory went up (which is reasonable because the scheduled job has to load all contents in order to index them), to the point that the AutoHeal feature of Azure kicks in and restart the site. Can you try and watch the memory usage for that? 

Jul 05, 2017 13:16

How do I watch the memory usage in Azure?

Jul 05, 2017 13:18

Hmm, that is a really good guess! I mean there is try/catch around everything so if an object doesn't get indexed you will have an error message, but we don't get anything. The job just crashes which I guess indicates that something with the environment has happend.

Jul 05, 2017 13:40

I'm not an Azure expert but a system engineer in your hosting team might be able to help out? I'm using NewRelic (on some other sites, of course) and it's quite easy to monitoring the memory usage (and more generic, the life/health of the instance). I guess Azure have something similar? 

Jul 05, 2017 13:49
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