I was hoping I could receive peoples experience updating shipping configuration details & best way of manging this.
I am using Shipping Weight Juristiction with base price and weight. We have new prices now and its a huge task updating these. They are not updated often I wanted to know is there a more efficient way of managing this rather than manual data entry?
Have people advice on managing shipping methods like this as there is a lot of juristictions I have.
I was hoping I could receive peoples experience updating shipping configuration details & best way of manging this.
I am using Shipping Weight Juristiction with base price and weight. We have new prices now and its a huge task updating these. They are not updated often I wanted to know is there a more efficient way of managing this rather than manual data entry?
Have people advice on managing shipping methods like this as there is a lot of juristictions I have.
EPI version: 10.3.2
Commerce version: 10.2.2