I'm using the CartHelp to add an entry to my cart in Commerce 10.7. Market is "EN" with default currency USD, current currency is set to SEK. The BillingCurrency in the Cart is set to SEK.
var lineItem = _cartHelper.AddEntry(entry, quantity, false, new CartHelper[] { });
The thing is that the PlacedPrice on the lineitem is in USD but the ListPrice is in SEK? I would like all prices to be in SEK since the current currency is set to SEK.
PlacedPrice and ListPrice are both amount without currency. Can you post some screenshots showing them in USD and SEK? Might be just a problem with displaying it (assumingly Commerce Manager?_
I'm using the CartHelp to add an entry to my cart in Commerce 10.7. Market is "EN" with default currency USD, current currency is set to SEK. The BillingCurrency in the Cart is set to SEK.
The thing is that the PlacedPrice on the lineitem is in USD but the ListPrice is in SEK? I would like all prices to be in SEK since the current currency is set to SEK.
Maybe I'm missing something?