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Episerver.Find.Commerce-package - include Field with both a Getter and a Setter



Episerver: 10.10
Commerce: 11.0

Indexing items through "Edit mode > Admin > Episerver Find Content Indexing Job", with this Convention on ProductContent (Commerce-object):

.IncludeField(x => x.GetDummyString(), (x, v) => x.SetDummyString(v));

Find Index is then updated with proper value in the Index Field named exactly as the first method-param above: "GetDummyString".

Now upon searching, the "SetDummyString()" is never called, ever.

I've done the exact same thing within a ConsoleApp, and it works fine there: Objects indexed and searched for in the console app is not of a Episerver type, plain "public class Car : system.object"

Tips? Suggestions?

PS: Using the QuickSilver Demo application when testing this functionality, might be an additional setting within the Demo application itself? Oh, maybe...

Edited, Aug 22, 2017 13:03
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