I don't really have an answer for you - handling taxes in Commerce has not been that easy. However we are reworking the tax system and it should be much better in an upcoming major release (probably Commerce 12)
Whenever we need to show the correct VAT we solve it by creating our own ITaxCalculator and extending it with a "GetTaxTotalPerPercentage" function.
We do call it outside the workflows thou and it is not a trivial implementation at all.
Hi fellow members,
We have a situation we want to display prices including tax and show the tax charged at the checkout keeping in mind not every product is tax applicable. Therefore the customer sees the tax they are paying.
We can show the inc tax prices with the tax from commerce and this will display on the product page.
The workflow is calculating the tax and there appears EPi doesn't have a way of showing this breakdown of tax.
We are looking at manual method and use a flag to and inject a display field showing tax. Not ideal!
Has anyone experience in a similar scenario before or perhaps have guidance here. Don't believe this is a robust solution.
Thank you in advance.