You can continue using the reports in Commerce Manager. However they are not the best - both in term of UI or customization to use. We are working on a new report system which is much better, but it will take a while
DO you recomend using the method specified in this post
or is it for cms reports not commerce
Commerce reports, are they are right now, are different with CMS reports and therefore different from the link you posted. You can only do it by
Hi Quan
I have finally got my head around creating custom report and got a few new ones to work.
I had a quick query. Is there any way to get the code behind files for all the default reports which are available in Commerce manager.
We are particularly looking for the Sale report -
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="SalesReport.ascx.cs"
Inherits="Mediachase.Commerce.Manager.Apps.Reporting.SalesReport" %>
We can write all ourselves but we just need to make a slight modfication and it would be a lot of effort to wrtie it from scratch.
Kind Regards
Hi Quan
There are three default tempaltes provided in the sample project which are hidden by default. Once un-commented they show in the left menu.
They use the following stored procs -
These stored procedures do not seem to be present in the DB. Do we need to create these our selves or can we get these from somewhere.
Kind Regards
We have a requirement to create some bespoke products/orders related reports in our commerce website.
We have used the following process in the past
However the above has been marked as [Legacy] in the documenation.
Could you please guide me towards the latest/correct way of creating the above reports.
Do we now use the following way mentioned in the CMS documentation -
Kind regards