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Forward slash in Product Code


Some of our products have forward slashes in the SKU and we are using the product SKU as the product “Code” in the Episerver catalog.  We're having a problem with this because we cannot access products using the Service API when there is a forward-slash in the product “Code”


If we create a product with Code 123, we can then retrieve the product via the Service API on the following endpoint:

GET: {{baseUrl}}/episerverapi/commerce/entries/123

However, if we change the product Code from "123" to "123/456", the following call will not work (404 error) due to the forward-slash in the URL (obviously breaking the routing):

GET: {{baseUrl}}/episerverapi/commerce/entries/123/456

I would have thought that encoding the forward slash in the product Code to “%2F” would resolve the issue.


GET: {{baseUrl}}/episerverapi/commerce/entries/123%2F456

But also does not (again 404, not found error).

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to retrieve a product that contains a forward slash using the Service API?


Oct 14, 2019 22:21

As you suspected, this is not supported by ServiceAPI, and I don't think adding the support is a good idea. Why do you want to have / in your code? 

Oct 14, 2019 22:30

@Quan - thanks for your response. Product Code is based on product SKU (comparable to other examples such as Quicksilver). The business has made the poor decision to include a forward slash in some products SKU's. 

I would argue that if the ServiceAPI is unable to support a forward slash in the product Code, then the Catalog Manager should also disallow a forward slash? It does not make sense to allow a create/update without supporting a read operation.

Oct 14, 2019 22:44

That is a valid point. I can file a bug for that, but I don't think it will get prioritized 

Oct 14, 2019 22:55
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