Remove a PurchaseOrder with Contact and any other related data as it has never been created


This our my requirement from the customer, for old orders we have to delete everything created in Commerce system so we have the same state is it has never been created. So no leftovers of email address, order details can remain anywhere in the database. How to achieve this?

I found that PurchaseOrder and Contact I can delete through API, that seems to be easy, although I am not sure if any leftovers will remain in the database.

I am wondering what is the suggestion here what should be done in addition. I found in another thread that for OrderReportData table there is no API. Also what about cls_RecentReferenceHistory, I found sensitive data there as well. Is there anything else which we should remove? How could these be safely removed?

Using Commerce 12.14

Edited, Dec 10, 2019 18:08
Stuart - Dec 11, 2019 10:56
This sounds like a GDPR compliance type issue, if there isn't already I'd like to see something in Epi that allows an easy data cleanup

I notice this text on

Deleting data

You should be able to delete most types of data by querying the Episerver Commerce database. A request to the Managed Services team for deleting data can be made in cases where you cannot delete the data yourself.

Dec 11, 2019 16:11
Thank you guys. Maybe it was not clear, we have to do it from code. I will ask the support.
Dec 12, 2019 14:36
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.