Promotion Exclusion issue


Hi Team,

     We have customised promotion to apply promotion only for lineitem that has required quantity. Now, when we exclude a promotion from other and two line items applicable for both promotions, only one promotion is getting applied for both.

      eg: we want one line item to get applied "buy 10 items and get 10%" and other to "buy 20 items and get 20% offer".

     If it is a single line item applicable for promotion, it works fine!.

Kindly help.

Thanks in advance

Feb 28, 2019 11:45


To achive this behavior you need to use unit level exclusion, not order level (which is the default behavior). You can read about the differences here:

You can either supply a specific ExclusionLevel in the settings when you call the run method on the PromotionEngine. Or you can change the default behavior using config, see the key PromotionExclusionLevel here:


Per Gunsarfs

Feb 28, 2019 15:25

Hi Per Gunsarfs,

                       Thanks for the reply!
                       I tried this one,

                      "cart.ApplyDiscounts(promotionEngine, new PromotionEngineSettings() { ExclusionLevel = ExclusionLevel.Unit })"

                      but did not work.


Edited, Feb 28, 2019 15:48
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