You just can't. However you can define your CatalogContentReferenceEditorDescriptor and register it with EditorDescriptorBehavior.OverrideDefault
Hi Quan,
By the way, i have another quesion
I have a custom property, this property fetch data from the property call CategoryNode that i defined above,
But when i change category node i have to reload page in order to my custom property fetch new data from new node
This oparation is not good for user experences, so is the any way to refresh data from my custom property each time i select a new node?
My code
[UIHint(SiteUIHints.ReloadPage)] // Only apply this UIHint
[UIHint(EPiServer.Commerce.UIHint.CatalogContent)] // Can't apply this UIHint
public virtual ContentReference CategoryNode { get; set; }
[ClientEditor(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(TechspecsSelectionFactory))]
public virtual IList<string> TechspecsAttributes { get; set; }
Thao Pham
I suppose you might have your widget for TechspecsAttributes to listen to change in the other widget. Or, combine those widgets into one. I don't know, I haven't tried that, and Dojo is not my area of expertise, but I think it's doable.
I am trying to apply a css class to the default property editor for the ContentReference type
But it only apply my UIHint and not apply default [UIHint(EPiServer.Commerce.UIHint.CatalogContent)]
How can apply both of them?
My code
namespace NTC.Models.Commerce.V2.EditorDescriptor
TargetType = typeof(ContentReference),
UIHint = SiteUIHints.ReloadPage)]
public class EmbiggenEditorDescriptor : EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing.EditorDescriptors.EditorDescriptor
public override void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<System.Attribute> attributes)
base.ModifyMetadata(metadata, attributes);
metadata.EditorConfiguration.Add("class", "epi__catalog-node--reload");
[UIHint(SiteUIHints.ReloadPage)] // Only apply this UIHint
[UIHint(EPiServer.Commerce.UIHint.CatalogContent)] // Can't apply this UIHint
public virtual ContentReference CategoryNode { get; set; }
Thao Pham