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Assets in UI do not sort by SortOrder


It seems as if the assets under the Assets pane in Commerce does not sort by SortOrder - or changes the SortOrder for no reason, this makes it very confusing for the editor.

3092 = 1cf7b44d-19a6-4d78-9646-a8c0dc1b91cc = 1.0.jpg
3093 = b2cf4805-0c09-4364-8b31-87d8898ce177 = 1.1.jpg
3094 = fa4c5d0c-54a0-479b-a113-c8024575f851 = 1.2.jpg
3102 = 6ad939ef-d08e-4038-9832-77a706a19343 = 2.0.jpg

Assets above as uploaded in the UI before publishing the content. So far so good - even after publishing. The assets appear in UI with correct order and in the database they have correct value in SortOrder field.

Now, let's put a new asset in the end of the list:

Hit publish and refresh the UI:

Suddenly 2.0.jpg is second in order?

How come?

The editor needs to manually move 2.0.jpg to the end to acheive the intended order:

Works fine - until she adds 4.1.jpg at the end and publishes:

It's as if new items always get SortOrder - making them appear as second in order.

EPiServer.Commerce.UI 13.24.0
EPiServer.Commerce 13.24.0

Oct 07, 2020 7:55

Hi @Viktor Bergman Talani,

This is UI bug and we are fixing it (COM-12226).

Hopefully, it will be released in the next Commerce release (13.28.0)

Thank you for bringing this into our attention 

Best regards,
Khiem Nguyen

Dec 28, 2020 4:27
- Dec 29, 2020 8:35
Great news Khiem!
Do you have any ETA on when 13.28.0 will be available?

The bugfix has been released in EPiServer.Commerce 13.28.0 (Jan 12, 2021)

Feb 04, 2021 3:02
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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