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Hide Contact Details tab on Order Management > Order Details screen?



The user and login details in our website are stored on an external CRM system with the user logging in via an OpenID authentication. 

On the customer contact data, we only store the minimum details that we're allowed to save against a logged on user just to process an order (e.g. email, userid, displayname -- whichever is available in the OpenID claims).

CRM will always have the latest information.

The problem:

On the order details screen, there's a "Contact Details" tab which reflects the Customer Contact data stored on Episerver DB.

Since the source of customer data is in the CRM, this tab is irrelevant our CommerceAdmins - but it can cause confusion UX wise.

Is there a way to hide/toggle this tab?

It also would be great if we can toggle it based on role.

Thanks in advance!

Nov 04, 2020 7:17
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.