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Unable to Create Local Block on Commerce Page as full UI is not displayed


We are experiencing a problem that ulitmately results in a 409 error from the server when adding a new component.

On a CMS page, When a block is added to a ContentArea all is fine whether created as a local block or created in the assets panel.

On a Commerce Page, Creating a block via the asset panel and dragging into the ContentArea works fine.

On a Commerce Page, When a block is added to a ContentArea as a local block, only the "Name" field is presented.  On "Saving" the block, a 409 error is generated if the block has [Required] properties, presumably because the validation is failing on save.  Therefore we are unable to create local content blocks on Commerce pages.

I have noticed that the response from the call to /EPiServer/shell/Stores/metadata/EPiServer.Core.ContentData differs for the CMS and Commerce very slightly.

Response received by CMS :

        "groups": [
                "title""[Missing text '/headings/heading[@name='EPiServerCMS_SettingsPanel']/description' for 'English (United Kingdom)']",
                "options": {
                "options": {}
                "options": {}
"selections": []

Response received by Commerce :

       "groups": [
                "title""[Missing text '/headings/heading[@name='EPiServerCMS_SettingsPanel']/description' for 'English (United Kingdom)']",
                "options": {
                "options": {}
                "options": {}
        "selections": []

Using a tool such as Charles Proxy and modifying the Response mid-flight to return True on the Commerce side solved my problem, the block is presented properly and is commited/saved properly.

My question is why are we seeing 'displayUI' set to false when adding a local block on a commerce page?  And how do we force it to be true.

Edited, May 20, 2020 7:41
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