Cannot get AffectedEntries based on LineItemId



We have a solution where there can be multiple lineitems with the same code in a cart/shipment at the same time. They might have some different property values, or in some cases, child variants (basically included addons which need to be handled together with the item in terms of deletion/quantity etc.)

Now we have a case where a promotion should be applied to an item if it has a custom color. We could however have multiple of this item (with the same code), as different lineitems, and only one specific that qualifies for this promotion. Sadly we cannot seem to get AffectedEntries based on lineitemId as the method only accepts an item code, which could lead to the wrong item being affected by the promotion.

Is there a way to get AffectedEntries based on lineItemId? Or can I somehow filter the AffectedEntries based on lineitemIds?

Any other suggestion to accomplish this?

Thanks beforehand!

Aug 10, 2020 11:44
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