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Join us this Friday for AI in Action at the Virtual Happy Hour! This free virtual event is open to all—enroll now on Academy and don’t miss out.
You might need to add some strongly typed content types for catalog content.
As Quan said you'll need to make sure you've created some models for your nodes, products and variants that model your catalog.
After reading about the catalog structure from above links you can get help from to build your project
Thank you Quan, Scott and Sanjay...
What I was doing is: I did not create any controller, model and view. I created a pure blank mvc epi cms site using vs Net and it's cms extension. It has no controller, pagetypes nothing. Visited epi commerce CMS, created a catalog, and was trying new product.
I was thinking will create structure like I create folder structure in windows drive😄. Actually this is possible in some cms I worked earlier. Where cms is completely autonomous from server side code. And cms is access via API/JSON data. Now have created a SKU in CMS with controller, Will try also product as Quan mentioned need strongly data types.
But I must say 'Epi commerce user guide' was reading, it seems does not mention first I need some controller to create product/bundle/sku
Hi Scott,
Regarding the training seems good idea but being an Architect i will 1st try to learn myself. For new developer in the team I can think about. It seems I hv to live with EPiserver atleast for 5,6 months though not a fan of the product. (Sorry for that).
Just was thinking, if I were the episerver original product developer at optimizely, I would hv created a default GenericContentTemple so people could start diretly in Cms with creating Category/Product and SKU without server side models n controllers.
Then people still have chance to overwrite, extend the genericcclass.
Seems going to hv some night study in coming months. ✌
Thank you Scott for your valuable suggestion, appreciate it.
Since every saleble item/product can be fit into LineItems, and anything that is sold vlcan be Invoiced as they share common properties like: item, Qty, Price, Discount, Tax, Net - I was thinking a genericcontenttemolace class, anyway. Though there seems APIs available to access the Commerce objects (catalog and children) but we need strongly typed controllers to create the commerce structure- therefore EpiCommerce and ASP. NEt mvc is tightly bonded. Now I am thinking how to use it with non mvc product like Stencil Js
Quicksilver rocks... .
Installed and ran smooth with pay at home, ordererd a 👞
I am new to episerver commerce, though hv some exp in epi cms 7/8
Trying to create new catalog under root and then a product as child. Catalog is created but while creating new product under the catalog, I dnt see any save button anywhere in the screen. Similarly can't create bundle, or anything under the catalog. Dnt know what is missing.
VS 2019 Community. Net 4.7 or 4.8
1: created and executed Mvc Alloy cms page and running - . Net 4.7
2: installed episerve.commerce 13 using nuget
3: ran update-epidatabase successfully
4: commerce cms opened in url
_------- can't figure out what stopping me creating profucts inside catalog.
Please guide.