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Join us this Friday for AI in Action at the Virtual Happy Hour! This free virtual event is open to all—enroll now on Academy and don’t miss out.
Could you access the short url? If yes, does your product/variant have multiple categories associated?
Hi Quan! Yes i does have multiple categories associated.
Im validateing doing this in the scheduled job,,, hope it is not any overhead
SiteDefinition currentSiteDefinition = SiteDefinition.Current;
SiteDefinition.Current = siteDefinitionWithRightContext;
url = new Uri(_urlResolver.GetUrl(contentReference, ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture?.Name, new UrlResolverArguments { ForceAbsolute = true }))?.PathAndQuery ?? string.Empty;
SiteDefinition.Current = currentSiteDefinition;
Commerce 13.30.0
Both using urlresolver and the UI, the path to SOME variations and products are shortend (not all, not all under the same node) - Should be -
Any idea where to start searching?