You need to add and remove properties in code. There's no longer an admin for commerce manager
You can build a migration step to do the lifting
Then create code to delete
Thank you for the reply, Scott.
I removed properties from the code but these are still showing up in the Commerce editor.
Is there any way to have a cleanup of these?
Sorry I thought you referring to meta classes not the catalog.
I checked and in our solution on commerce 14 we have built a tool that uses the property definition repository to delete them. We've done this as an admin plugin but could be an init module
Here's a link to tool, expires in 1 week
Just setup the admin area and add in your properties to the dictionaries or use the code as a base
Thank you for the help again, Scott.
Does that tool require manually defining all missing properties in the `_missingCommercePropertiesDict` collection? If so, is there any way to do that automatically (or, like in the older version of Commerce UI, choose which properties should be removed)?
Also, the question - are there any plans to have it as a feature of Commerce UI again?
You'd have to build something if you wanted to replicate that type of functionallity, in our solution I think it was done as a quick and dirty workaround by the devs. So yes you'd need to do that, you could just for now change the admin tool to a textbox where you enter the property name / meta type and it deletes it so you don't need to recompile.
I don't know of any plans to bring the missing commerce areas back in but it would definately be a great nuget plugin for someone to create. (I would if I had the time)
Would be nice to see it as a feature again though :)
I removed data in the database, i.e. the following tables:
Hey I've built a plugin, it's a bit rough and ready but works for any catalog content types. It will show you any properties that have been deleted and allow you to delete them or delete all for a model type or everything property it's found. I'm going to style it and nuget-ify it but thought I'd give it to you for now
Thank you very much, I'll check this out.
Do you think you can share it on GitHub or here, so anyone that will come to that thread later will find the solution in place?
As mentioned I'm going to set it up as a proper package in the feed, I'll be moving it to github but I've got some clean up to do as well first this is just an early version in case you were still having problems.
How can I remove obsolete properties from content in new Commerce UI?
I cannot find Admistration > Catalog System > Meta Classes (or similar) menu option.
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