Found it... it looked fishy that at one point cart was properly populated(_checkoutCalculator.GetTotals), but at another not(GetCartItem), but the trick was that GetCartItem is just a delegate so there's no guarantees when it gets evaluated. A simple .ToList() at the end of the .Select() solved it.
protected virtual ICartResponse CreateCartResponse<TResponseType>(ICart cart, IPrincipal user, IDictionary<ILineItem, List<ValidationIssue>> validationIssues = null, IList<CouponCodeValidation> couponCodeValidationIssues = null) where TResponseType : ICartResponse, new()
if (cart == null)
return CreateEmptyCartResponse<TResponseType>();
List<ILineItem> list = cart.GetAllLineItems().ToList();
List<RewardDescription> list2 = (from r in ApplyDiscounts(cart).ToList()
where r.AppliedCoupon != null
select r).ToList();
List<CartItemValidation> removedLineitemValidationIssues = GetRemovedLineitemValidationIssues(list, validationIssues);
OrderTotals totals = _checkoutCalculator.GetTotals(cart);
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
if (cart.Properties != null)
foreach (object key in cart.Properties.Keys)
dictionary.Add(key.ToString(), cart.Properties[key]);
return new TResponseType
AppliedCouponCodes = list2.Select((RewardDescription r) => CreateCouponCodeResponse(cart, r)),
CouponCodeValidationIssues = GetCouponCodeValidations(list2, couponCodeValidationIssues?.ToList()),
Items = list.Select((ILineItem li) => GetCartItem(cart, li, validationIssues?.FirstOrDefault((KeyValuePair<ILineItem, List<ValidationIssue>> x) => x.Key.Code.Equals(li.Code)).Value)),
Currency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode,
TotalQuantity = list.Sum((ILineItem li) => li.Quantity),
SubTotalPrice = totals.SubTotalPrice,
DiscountTotalPrice = totals.DiscountTotalPrice,
TaxTotal = totals.TaxTotal,
TotalPrice = totals.TotalPrice,
TotalPriceWithoutTax = totals.TotalPriceWithoutTax,
ShipmentTotalPrice = totals.ShipmentTotalPrice,
ShipmentDiscountPrice = totals.ShipmentDiscountPrice,
ShipmentTaxTotal = totals.ShipmentTaxTotal,
ValidationIssues = removedLineitemValidationIssues,
Properties = dictionary,
Name = cart.Name,
Notes = cart.Notes.Select((IOrderNote x) => CreateOrderNoteResponse(cart, x))
I am debugging on my local environment why _lineItemCalculator.GetDiscountedPrice(lineItem, cart.Currency); returns 0 for a discounted item. The calculator is the default one(DefaultLineItemCalculator). When I check in the database the entry amount is correctly set:
But in the code, i.e.
shows zero.
I also notice that 'IsSalesTaxUpToDate' is false so it seems some extended properties are set to defaults.