File properties i PageSearch

Er det mulig å vise mer enn bare navnet på en fil i PageSearch? Skulle gjerne hatt ut disse egenskapene også: - Rank - Date Created - Date Modified - Author mvh Svein Terje Gaup
Aug 29, 2003 14:01
Ved hjelp av denne funksjonen lager jeg et FileInfo objekt som lar meg hente ut en del info, men jeg mangler fortsatt Rank. Hvordan kan jeg få tak i index servers Rank property? public System.IO.FileInfo GetFileInfo(string FileName) { string sFullPath = ((EPiServer.PageBase)this.Page).CurrentPage["MainScope"].ToString(); if(sFullPath.Substring((sFullPath.Length-1),1) != @"\") { sFullPath += @"\"; } System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(sFullPath + FileName); return fi; }
Aug 29, 2003 14:53
Also, I can't get the Author... So please help...
Aug 29, 2003 15:02
The PageSearch control emulates a page when it creates a FileTemplate. This "page" will get a property with the name "PageRank" which is the same as the normal hits from pages. <%#Container.CurrentPage["PageRank"]%> will return the rank of the hit which will be a value ranging from 0 to 1000.
Aug 29, 2003 15:12
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