Stänga av högerklicksmenyn för vanligt folk

Jag vill stänga av högerklicksmenyn för alla användare utom de som skall skriva i systemet. Hur gör man?
Nov 16, 2004 13:15
I thought only authenticated users could use the right click menu... are your permissions correct?
Nov 16, 2004 14:54
Gruppen intranet_users (dvs alla) har bara Läs-rättigheter
Nov 16, 2004 15:01
...alla blir automatiskt inloggade.
Nov 16, 2004 15:02
Make sure you have protected "/edit" and "/admin" in web.config. One hint would be if the right click menu only displays the "Edit mode" or "Admin mode" link but not any "Edit/Save/Cancel" options.
Nov 16, 2004 17:35
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.