Is there any one who can explain the life cycle of properties?
Which method is used to save the value, which method is used to render the property, has a property different behaivours depending if it is dynamic or not, if it is rendered in a listing or on the page it self?
What I really want to know is if it is possible to use a property to fetch data from an other place than the page, for example a dataset which is updated every hour. The property should really just be a column name and the primary key would be the page id. This means that in edit I see the column name, but when displaying the page or the value in a listing the value from the data set should be visible instead.
The logic way to solve this case, as far as I see it, is to use your property together with the current page' ID, and fetch the data from wherever they are stored.
The code for doing this must be placed in code-behind for the current pagetype.
The EPiServer Property is just a webcontrol, and has no way of knowing how to fetch data from other places than pages in EPiServer.
Also, if you'd like to dive more into what's going on "behind the scenes" inside EPiServer, I recommend .NET Reflector (http://www.aisto.com/roeder/dotnet/), for probing into assemblies. and the best of all, it's free.