Web URL for a file in search result, using Virtual File System

Hi We have set up an Enterprise solution, version 4.50. We use separate upload directories for each web, and uses the virtual file system for them. For example d:\inetpub\website1Upload\ These directories are handled by Index Server, and we have set up Index server and our search page to look in that directory. It all works fine: if I search for a word I know is in a file, I get a hit on my search page. But: In my PageSearch I use the PageLink attribute to set links to the pages and documents. And the url is then (for example): d:\inetpub\website1Upload\file.doc This will of course not work! I want it to be: http://mywebpageaddress.com/upload/file.doc. How can I fix this? Regards Mats Norgren
Sep 15, 2005 13:27
You probably solved this a long time ago but I recently had the same issue and heres how I solved it. In web.config: IndexCatalog="EPiServer" is the key here. There should be an index called EPiServer in MS Indexing Service. This should map to "D:\dok\upload". Apart from that its all in the whitepaper on Configuring the File System. In other words, change the templates to not use MainScope and MainCatalog but instead use UnifiedSearchLocation. The Value of UnifiedSearchLocation comes from virtualName="upload" so write /upload and if you have more than one, use commas to seperate. eg, /upload, /secure /John
Mar 06, 2006 15:16
Another thing I was tipped about was setting giving the NETWORK SERVICE rights on the D:\dok folder and all its subfolders. /John
Mar 06, 2006 15:18
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